fredag den 10. september 2010

White Teeth - Does Your Dental Practice Make The Grade?

No matter how busy you may be in the daily grind of your dental practice itâ??s important to gather together as a team on a regular basis to determine how well your practice systems are working.Jameson teams use the 25 systems of a dental practice that Jameson has pinpointed and they rate themselves on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being poor; 10 being excellent.  Everyone rates the systems individually; then the group tallies their scores and studies the averages.  This acts as a measurement tool and a compass on where to focus your attention as a team for practice improvement and continuous growth.Have you graded your practice lately?  Rate yourself on Jamesonâ??s 25 systems:Improve TeamworkDiscover Effective CommunicationDevelop & Achieve Mission / Vision / Goals â?? Strategic Plan...

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